나라별 교육구 영어로
- School districts by country
- 교육구: School district
- 나라별 고등 교육: Higher education by country
- 나라별 과학 교육: Science education by country
- 나라별 교육: Education by country
- 나라별 교육 기관: Educational institutions by country
- 나라별 교육 단체: Educational organizations by country
- 나라별 교육사: History of education by country
- 나라별 교육자: Educators by nationality
- 나라별 언어 교육: Language education by country
- 나라별 종교 교육: Religious education by country
- 나라별 중등 교육: Secondary education by country
- 옛 나라별 교육: Education by former country
- 미국의 교육구: School districts in the United States
- 나라별 교육 문서 목록: List of education articles by country
- 나라별 교육학자: Educational theorists by nationality